Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009


Sorry I have not posted pictures in a while due to internet problems (we just got a guy to fix it). I will try to put some new pictures on today.

P.S. I do have to say, it was a good vacation. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pic #26: Real Ears

I didn't know there were elephants in Orlando!

Pic #25: The Adventures of Simon #2 (flush!)

For the special 25th picture, I bring you the second story in the saga of The Adventures of Simon! 

Pic #24: Vampire

Sorry, I can't post a comment on this picture over his chomping!

Pic #23: Simon's Mouth Wash™

I got this picture when the National Geographic channel was filming her mouth.

P.S. Sorry I have not posted for like a week. There was a lot of home work (you remember what it was like back then, don't you?)